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Qui | 13.06.19

The Xenon Tech Archives - File 2: The Hybrid Theory

NOTA: Este post será apenas em inglês | NOTE: This post will be just in english


And we're back with another one of Ashley M. Jackson's books. First of all, I must say that this book was sent to me by the author so I could read it and say what I think of it. As you know I am always honest in this matter for I do believe that it's with honesty that an author can grow and improve in order for us to get even better books.

I am pleased to say that Ashley grew a lot. Her writing is more mature and the story is better structured than the previous one.

This is a small and easy to read book. I know it took me a while but I wanted to read it and savor every part of the adventure of our dear captain Scarlet. This time the pace was much faster than the one we find in the previous book and that was good since it helps to get even more into the story.

All the new characters we find in this part of the adventure are well constructed, thought and are needed for the development of the story. I have especially liked the madam and all moments when R appears leave me curious to know more about it.

In spite of the fact that the characters are already developed, we still have some plot twists along the way that make us stay alert and curious for more.

If I was curious to know more by the end of the first book now I am way more curious to know what secrets are the characters hiding.

I won't tell you more because I do think that you should read this book and I don't want to spoil it for you. :)



Title: File 2: The Hybrid Theory

Series: The Xenon Tech Archives

Author: Ashley M. Jackson
