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Folha em Branco

Folha em Branco

Qua | 31.10.12


Título: Brasyl
Autor: Ian McDonald


Li este livro pois será o próximo a ser discutido no Clube de Leitura Bertrand de Lisboa e não gosto de ir sem ter as coisas lidas se não depois não percebo nada do que se está a falar.
É um livro interessante que se passa em três linhas temporais: século XVIII, 2006 e 2032, tendo como centro o Brasil.
Vamos acompanhando as várias personagens, como vão evoluindo e a forma como as diferentes linhas temporais acabam por se completar umas às outras.

Teorias de universos e multiversos, realidades paralelas, mistério e teorias da conspiração... temos de tudo um pouco nestas páginas.
Apesar de considerar um bom livro, não foi a leitura que mais me despertou o interesse. 

Sinopse:  Past, present, and future Brazil, with all its color, passion, and shifting realities, come together in a novel that is part SF, part history, part mystery, and entirely enthralling. Three separate stories follow three main characters: Edson is a self-made talent impressario one step up from the slums in a near future São Paulo of astonishing riches and poverty. A chance encounter draws Edson into the dangerous world of illegal quantum computing, but where can you run in a total surveillance society where every move, face, and centavo is constantly tracked? Marcelina is an ambitious Rio TV producer looking for that big reality TV hit to make her name. When her hot idea leads her on the track of a disgraced World Cup soccer goalkeeper, she becomes enmeshed in an ancient conspiracy that threatens not just her life, but her very soul. Father Luis is a Jesuit missionary sent into the maelstrom of 18th-century Brazil to locate and punish a rogue priest who has strayed beyond the articles of his faith and set up a vast empire in the hinterland. In the company of a French geographer and spy, what he finds in the backwaters of the Amazon tries both his faith and the nature of reality itself to the breaking point. Three characters, three stories, three Brazils, all linked together across time, space, and reality in a hugely ambitious story that will challenge the way you think about everything.