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Folha em Branco

Folha em Branco

Sab | 07.05.11

45 days book challenge #dia20

Dia 20 – Melhor citação (diálogo)


Digam o que quiserem mas este diálogo é de ir às lágrimas e aviso já que pode conter spoillers xD


"Bulls? You mean like cows?"

"Are you not from the country? How is it that you don't know what a bull is?"

"Look, Aphrodite, that's an ignorant stereotype. Just 'cause I'm not from a big city does not mean I automatically know about cows and stuff. Heck, I don't even like horses."

"I swear you're a mutant," Aphrodite said. "A bull is a male cow. Even my mom's schizophrenic Bichon Frize knows that. Focus you need to ask the fucking grass about an ancient and entirely too barbaric and therefore unacttractive mythology or religion or some such that includes two bulls, a white one and a black one, and a very guylike, violent, unending struggle between good and evil."

"What does that have to do with gettin' Zoey back?"

"I think it might somehow open a door for Stark to the Otherworld, without him actually dying because, apparently, that doesn't so much work for Warriors protecting their High Priestess there."

"The cows can do that? How? Cows can't even talk."

"Bulls, double retarded. Stay with me. I'm not just talking about animals, but the rawnwss of the power that surrounds them. The bulls represent that power."

"So they're not gonna talk?"


In: Burned de P.C. e Kristin Cast